简介: Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother (Kathleen Brady). While seeking a partner through a video dating service, he discovers a strange VHS tape called Rent-A-Pal. Hosted by the charming and charismatic Andy (Wil Wheaton), the tape offers him much-needed company, compassion, and friendship. But, Andy's friendship comes at a cost, and David desperately struggles to afford the price of admission.
Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother (Kathleen Brady). While seeking a partner through a video dating service, he discovers a strange VHS tape called Rent-A-Pal. Hosted by the charming and charismatic Andy (Wil Wheaton), the tape offers him much-needed company, compassion, and friendship. But, Andy's friendship comes at a cost, and David desperately struggles to afford the price of admission.展开
尼古拉斯·霍尔特/托妮·科莱特/J·K·西蒙斯/基弗·萨瑟兰/克里斯·梅西纳/佐伊·达奇/塞德里克·亚伯勒/莱丝莉·比伯/加布里埃尔·巴索/弗朗西斯卡·伊斯特伍德/埃米·阿奎诺/德鲁·谢伊德/艾德丽安·C·摩尔/艾拉·弗雷利/KateLynn E. Newberry/阿尔特·纽柯克/海蒂·纳赛尔/Jason Coviello/扎卡里·瓦斯克斯/Rachel Walters/